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Category: Commercial Roofing

Commercial Roofing

Ponding Water on Low Slope Roofing

In roof design and installation, it is important to prevent ponding water. Ponding water is an indication that something is not working correctly on the

Commercial Roofing

Commercial Flat Roof Leaks

There are several common sources of roof leaks in commercial flat roofs. Roof leaks are often found from cracks in the flashings or around roof

Ponding Water on Low Slope Roofing

Ponding water on low slope roofing can have many adverse effects on the roof system. Water that remains on the roof for 48 hours or

Membrane Roofing and Hail

Statistics show that the number and severity of hailstorms in the United States is increasing. Hail related claims are rising for the insurance industry. The

Vapor Barriers

The purpose of vapor barriers is to reduce the speed vapors travel through the building. Properly installed vapor barriers can reduce condensation problems and air

Asphalt Based Roofing

There are many advantages to asphalt based roofing. Asphalt based roofing includes built-up roofing (BUR), modified bitumen or hybrid roofing assemblies. They may be installed

Low Slope Metal Roofing

Low slope metal roofing has several advantages over higher slope metal roofing. Low slope metal roofing tends to be easier and less expensive to install

Building Codes Improve Projects

In construction projects, the lifetime costs of a project must be considered. It is important to consider the lifetime of operation and maintenance costs in

Metal Roof Systems

Metal roofing has been around since 1932. Manufacturers of metal roofing have designed complete roofing systems that are fairly easy to install and provide a

Steel Decks in Low Slope Roofing

One underlying deck commonly used in low slope roofing is steel decking. Many new construction projects are designed with steel decking. In addition, steel decking